Social Media Management

Social media management is how a person or company manages your profiles, content, and interactions across social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

Even though it may seem relatively simple, social media management is a lot more than posting some pictures and making a few updates to your company’s social media profiles. It is a strategy that has several parts when done correctly. As one of the most successful Orlando social media management companies, our strategy generally contains three areas: reach, engagement, and growth.

Social Media Reach

In terms of social media management services, reach measures how many people have actually seen what you've posted or shared. On its own, reach can help you understand the context for your content. Reach is a measure of potential audience size.

Obviously, having a big audience is excellent but reach by itself doesn't always tell the whole story. The full potential of reach as a metric becomes apparent when used to compare other metrics. Using reach as a denominator in your social media equations is always a great idea.

The way this works is to choose another metric, such as posts, likes, shares, etc. and divide it by your reach to get a bird's eye view of the overall effectiveness of your engagement.

Social Media Engagement

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When talking about metrics, engagement is by far one of the most, if not the most, important things to gauge in all of social media. Engagement helps you asks relevant questions that you need to ask about your social media management strategy. Questions like: How are people engaging with the content posted about my brand? Is the engagement leading to growth?

A great question to ask yourself is would you rather have:

  1. 1,000,000 total followers?
  2. 100,000 engaged followers that provide feedback and share your posts with others?

Engagement can help your social media visitors become regular customers, paying clients, or simply more visitors, if that is your goal. The key to getting engaged visitors is to be engaging with your own presence.

If your presence is ho-hum and doesn't create a desire within others to engage then your style needs to adapt. That is where Central Florida Media Solutions excels. Our social media management team, helps make sure that your social media accounts are new and exciting all the time.

Social Media Growth

Growth is one of the most simple metrics of all metrics to measure when dealing with social media management firms. To know if you're growing you need to ask one simple question: Do my social media profiles have more reach and engagement? If the answer is consistently yes, month after month, then you are growing. If not, it's time to adjust and rethink your strategy.

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As with most metrics your growth rate will ebb and flow. In the brick and mortar world, a businesses client base will ebb and flow, as well. Some people come into your brick and mortar business and become regulars. Some only come in as a trial and leave. Others will engage for a period of time, then will disappear for a while and come back again. The same is true for social media growth and following.

Growth for you social media accounts should be a gradual and consistent increase over time.

People often ask us if certain types of content generate more engagement than others. The answer is resounding yes, but exactly what type of content is best for different types of businesses will vary. That's why it's important to closely monitor what content generates the most engagement, because what's expected to generate the most engagement it not always a home run.

Remember to carefully plan your social media management. Take time to formulate your plan and stick to it until you have enough data to accurately measure your success or failure. Then you simply reevaluate your plan, make adjusments if needed, and continue on. Let the results of the metrics that are important to your brand, guide you.

Speaking of what's important to your brand right now, if you need help with your social media management in Orlando or Central Florida areas, we're here to help. We offer a free brand analysis that not only gives you a peek at your current social media strategy's effectiveness, but also how your brand appears online overall.

What We Do

As you can see one thing is certain. Local business owners that attain their first page SEO ranking are the ones being found on Google. There is a joke among SEO experts that goes like this: Where do you go to hide a dead body? The second page of Google! Obviously, it's a joke that is meant to prove a point. The second page on Google is a graveyard that no one wants to visit.

Smiling man with tablet

In fact the most important posts will be the latter set. Make sure that your posts are above all, engaging. The atmosphere of your business will determine the best form of engagement. Obviousy posting styles and business atmosphere will be different for an executive consulting firm vs a liquor brand. However, there are some things that are essential ingredients no matter what your brand.

Below are some keys to success if you want to effectively use your social media presence:

  1. Focus Your Efforts
  2. Automation
  3. Follow Industry Influencers
  4. Track & Analyze Your progress
  5. Try New Stuff

Need a Social Media Presence, but don’t know where to start?

Social Media Management starting at $299
Includes Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn
Add Instagram for $49 more!

Social Media Automation

Social Media Management Automation is a big help when putting together a campaign. It has two major benefits that help you in your overall strategy. They are consistency and planning.

When you are putting together your posts to go out at specific times each day, two weeks in advance, you take time to plan the strategy behind the posts.

You have the content for each in front of you it may be 7 posts, it may be 14 posts, it may be 20 posts. Regardless of the number, you are able to see them laid out in front of you. This allows you to prioritize them to coincide with specific days of your campaign or a regular posting strategy that leads followers to a specific promotion you intend to send out on a specific day.

Track Industry Influencers

Industry Influencers

Your industry has influencers somewhere within it. It may be your competitor, your allies in industry, publications, or something totally different. No matter what they are, you need to track the influencers in your industry.

Some important questions you may want to ask yourself in determining who/what the influencers are:

  • Who are my competitors? What influence do they have?
  • Who are my industry allies (subs, suppliers, consultants)?
  • Who are my customers reaching out to on social media? What do they search for?
  • Who are the publications that are important to my business?

Track & Analyze Your progress

It's all about the metrics. In order to determine the effictiveness of your campaigns you need to check your metrics. It is always wise to determine, in advance, which metrics are going to be most important to you. Whether it is likes, comments, new followers, or whatever, you need to make that call before you begin working your strategy.

If you set up your automation correctly you will find that most tools provide you great tracking metrics. If you are not seeing the results you want, then it is time to change your tactics. We offer free consultation for your social media needs.

Social Media Experimentation

What is SEO?

Don't be shy about trying new things. The social media world is always changing. Companies being bought, mergered, or a new company that pops up with the possibility of reaching your client.

Don't get stuck in a rut. Success will come to the diligent. If you need guidance, reach out and give us a call. We look forward to it.

What Can You Expect?

We have two primary goals we strive for and meet with every campaign. Improve your organic web site traffic by a minimum of 30% year over year, depending on your starting point. SEO campaigns little to no traffic at first will see much larger increases in an extremely short amount of time. We also achieve page 1 rank on Google for your initial set of keywords within 12 months and keeping you there.

Our Local Solution

Social Media Management the in Orlando area, and all of Central Florida, is considered to be one of the most engaging methods of content marketing. The sheer number of people in Orlando that have taken to daily visits on social media platforms dwarfs most other channel's by comparison.

As the internet becomes more and more centered around mobile users, people in Orlando will be reached easier through the platforms they spend the most time on. Right now, that's social media.

Many people wonder if the approach to social media management in Orlando and the surrounding areas is the same as it is in somewhere like Tampa, Miami, or Tallahassee, and the short answer is yes. While we do have some regional differences for social media management in Orlando, they are mainly related to things such as leisure activities, popular places to visit, and the area's latest news.

Regardless of where you're located, a good social media management service should always follow the basics of best practices. That's one of the biggest reasons we are able to help our clients reach, engage, and grow their social profiles so well. If you're looking for a local Orlando-based social media management company that services any business and produces results, you've come to the right place.

Social Media Strategies

There are billions of social media users in the world. That number grows all the time. Social Media is here to stay. Social media is an easy way to engage many people in places that they already go. To do so effectively we recommend a few strategies.

Register Your Name Across All Platforms

For strategic purposes, it is a good idea to register your company on all of the various social media accounts. Most people know how hard it is to get your desired username on any platform simply because, someone else already has it. Don't wait for that time when it comes to your business. Even if they aren't active you still have the name.

If you are not sure how to do that research quickly you can always use a tool like Know'em. It allows you to check your username across most social platforms. It even provides you the ability to bulk register them if you would like.

Social Media Scheduling & Automation

We stated this previously and are listing it again here because it is absolutely, that important.

Let's be real. Posting across multiple platforms is time consuming. If you are going to schedule your posts on each of those it can be even more so. There are tools on the market like Hootsuite, Buffer, IFTTT, and SproutSocial, to name a few. Each of these allows you to post across multiple platforms and provide metrics on your presence.

The automation tools alone provide great value. They give you the metrics you need to track the effectivity of your social media campaigns across multiple platforms. They also allow you to think about multiple posts in a row which provides you the perfect opportunity to strategize your campaigns.

Monitor & Engage

There is a lot to this part because social media is always talking. They just may not be talking on your channels. When it comes to monitoring your brand, your social media metrics and engagement are only part of it. It's important to know of brand mentions that you are not aware of. It is also important to know what links get placed back to your brand.

However, when they do communicate on your channels, always engage in a positive, service-minded reply and encourage them to engage more frequently. The more genuine engagement that occurs within a platform, the better the image of the brand, within that platform.

High Quality Social Media Content

We've saved this for last because it is the best method of growing your brand through social media... Simply provide great content. Like it or not, this is what works. People follow things they like, things that speak to them, some people prefer video, some imagery, some memes, some proverbial. You need to appeal to each of them in those ways.

If it is appealing enough to the one you reached, they may share it with the hundreds that they know. However, to do so requires appealing content that engages them. If you invest the proper resources there, it will help your brand grow.


Content Creation

We create and curate unique, interesting content on a daily basis that provides the highest reach, engagement, and growth possible.


Expand Engagement

We offer fully managed engagement services for your profile fans and followers so you can concentrate on other aspects of your business.


Increase Reach

Grow your following organically and greatly increase your chances of viral content with our completely automated algorithm.

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Growing Your Business

We can help you achieve your goals and expand your business.