Miami Web Design Company

Importance of a Great Web Design

Central Florida Media Solutions understands that an attractive and user friendly website is important to customers. We might even say a business’s website is just as important as a brick and mortar business. However, today’s buyer turns to the internet to gather information before buying a product or subscribing to a service. If a business’s website isn’t well designed, the buyer will visit another website to find the information they need. This makes our client’s website their most important sales tool.

In addition to a website being a sales tool, it should also be generating leads. We understand that optimizing your website for lead generation is essential. Also, in this self-service world, the client information portal is the way to securely collect and to share information. You client information portal can be the key to customer satisfaction.

Elements of a Good Web Design

Expert SEO Consultant

One of the most important elements of web design is usability. The website should be visually appealing, easy to navigate, and it should be thoughtful with font and language. It should be engaging and enjoyable, with fast load times and easy-to-use site menus.

Mobile responsiveness is necessary for your website as well. With more and more people accessing the internet from their mobile device, you can reach a larger audience and keep them engaged if your website is mobile-friendly.

In order to turn potential buyers into actual customers, good Call-to-Action is needed throughout your web page. Compelling and concise CTA will be what motivates the person viewing your page to move into the customer column.

Great quality content doesn’t guarantee a top spot when a customer conducts an internet search. Therefore, having an SEO (search engine optimization) strategy is important. Optimizing the content on your website for search engines to find is how you will get ahead in the digital marketing game.

At Central Florida Media Solutions, we can design a website for your business that is easy to navigate, is mobile responsive for phones or laptops, deliver easy to follow CTA, and that can get your website to the top of internet searches.

Miami Website Design Company

Website Development Team

Web design is important because it affects how customers perceive your product and business, and we all know the goal of your business is growth. Central Florida Media Solutions has the experienced web design professionals who understand that design is the key to winning over customers and keeping them. Our team is fully qualified in UX design (user experience) and UI (user interface) design. The two elements meld together to give your users the best website experience.

Businesses that choose not to employ an experienced designer risk losing customers. Our professional web developers, with over 20 years of combined web development, design, and hosting experience, will help you become competitive in the world of ecommerce.

SEO Process

Our qualified designers are fluent in the common web design languages such at Java, SQL, HTML, and Python among others. We also understand the importance of APIs or Application Program Interfaces, which is how a connection is established between a website and an application. Our web designers are familiar with databases such as network, relational, and hierarchical to name a few.

We have external integration knowledge along with expertise in testing websites for user efficiency and running tests for bugs. And last but not least, we understand the importance of the availability and reliability of your server.

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Miami Web Design Agency

Website Development Capabilities

When you consider that people might judge your product and the customer service you give just by looking at your website, then it’s important to choose the right team to design a website to make a great first impression. If you don’t put any effort into your website’s design, your audience may assume you won’t offer much assistance when they need it.

If you have the right website development team, then you can be confident that the first impression your website gives will be very favorable. Central Florida Media Solutions will help you create a website that will give your customers confidence that you’re the right choice for their needs.

On our expert team designing your website will consist of a UX and the UI designer. The UX designer thinks about the user experience and interaction. Is the interaction effortless or is it awkward to use? The UX is determined by how easy it is to interact with what the UI designer has created. The UI designer will consider the color scheme, the text, the images, and everything that will appeal visually to your customer.

It’s important to make sure your website is streamlined and easy to navigate, so having the right web designer is a must. To ensure you have the right designer, they will be knowledgeable in programming languages, have knowledge of different databases, be familiar with APIs and have extensive server knowledge. With CFLMS, you can be sure you have the right team working for you.

Additional Web Design Services

Our in-house design team has many years of experience when it comes to search engine optimization. SEO is the art of getting pages to come out on top during a search by using content. The content is important when composing and configuring your website because without quality content, your site will go overlooked.

Taking a look at technical SEO, it can be described as any purposeful and technical action taken to improve search results. Technical search engine optimization is called such because it has nothing to do with content or with how the website is advertised. Technical SEO has more to do with how the website functions. It has to do with elements such as website speed, mobile friendliness, and site architecture. Websites that contain certain technical characteristics will get preferential treatment during a search.

At CFLMS, our team of experts realizes what structured data is and how it is used. Structured data communicates information to search engines in a detailed way so that search engines will understand it. It gives clues or specific information about a web page. For example, the page may feature a recipe or a how-to guide that a search engine picks up. Basically, structured data is a way to give a search engine like Bing or Google detailed information that will get your website to the top.

Having excellent sales experience on a web design team is vital when it comes to placing effective calls-to-action on your webpage. With over 15 years of sales and marketing experience, we can create CTA that will encourage a customer visiting your website to act rather than move on to the next website. Compelling CTA generates leads which covert to sales and brings forth new customers for you.

Most Important Website Design Elements

Mobile Responsiveness

Now more than ever, people are using their mobile devices for shopping and researching products and services. Because of this, layout and readability needs to be considered if viewed on a mobile phone. This also applies to tablets and laptops. Even large screen TVs need to be considered when designing a website. CFLMS can have a mobile-friendly website up and running for your business.

User Experience

Your customers are users of your website, so you want them to be satisfied with the experience they have with your company or small business. User experience (UX) will focus on the user and what the user needs. Our UX designers take this in consideration when we focus on good flow of information, knowing it is essential to lead the user to the desired outcome, which is to turn the user in to a customer. This good flow takes the consumer to what is called a “sales funnel”. The funnel concept is a multi-step path beginning with a large number of prospective buyers and then “funneling” the users down to a smaller group of targeted customers. Our design experts can create a strategy to attract the right buyers and turn them into paying customers. We can help you grow your business!

Good Calls-to-Action (CTA) Throughout the Page

Because it’s possibly the most important part of marketing, CTA is worth a lot of focus. Great CTA can convert a visitor to your site into a lead for your sales team, and it can often be the difference between a casual prospect and a definite customer. Each type of CTA has a different purpose such as, “Join Us” or “Get Started”. Central Florida Media Solutions can design the right call-to-action that will draw a customer in and guide them successfully through the sales process.

Content That Has Been Optimized for Search Engines

When we talk about competitor research, the main goal is to find more keyword opportunities than your competitor. Our professionals can help find out what is working and not working for your competitors, and we can help to find your competitors’ weaknesses.

We gain insight into what is working in your market and improve upon those things to get in front of your competitor. One way to compare your site to your competitors is to perform a content gap analysis. This is done by analyzing the content in the top 10 google search results for a specific keyword to see how your site content compares to theirs.

Our best practices for website design also include on-page optimization and using structured data. On-page optimization is the practice of optimizing the use of html, meta, and other tags on the web page. This often means fixing or removing technical mistakes from a page so it can reach its highest potential. Structured data is hidden data that is avaiable to Google and other search engines to better understand the contents of your site.

Our creative team will always design our website to make proper use of both on-page optimization and structured data.

Having problems getting to the first page of Google?

If so, call us today and find out how to get there!

Website Design Process

Website Design Concept Creation

When considering your website’s design, it’s best to create many mock-ups. This will give you the opportunity to give feedback so we can be sure the website meets your needs. We will help your business choose the right colors, fonts and styles that best convey what message and image you’d like your business to give to the customer. Our company knows that visual elements are important since appealing design means your website visitors will be engaged with your product and service.

Information Architecture Design Creation

It is no coincidence that it’s rather easy for a consumer to find exactly what they need and when they need it. This is a result of Information Architecture (IA). IA focuses on organizing content in an effective way, which helps the user to find and understand the information. Our Miami web design team has the experience to make sure the flow of information is there to guide the buyer through your website. We give strong attention to detail and ensure the performance of the architecture. After the database is complete, we will work to correct any oversights or problems that may arise.

Website Initial Draft Creation

Our project managers will work with the business owner to discuss the vision they have for their business website, and we will craft a design concept. This will include any photos, logos, artwork, and styles the client wishes to include. Then, basic functionality is integrated into the site.

Customer Feedback on the Draft

Once there is enough work done on the draft, we will show it to our client and demonstrate it. Any changes or updates that are likely to be made will be completed by our professional team. Once the changes have been made, the client will give approval to continue.

Complete the Development

While completing the website, there will continue to be contact with the client, which will bring about more feedback and changes. Then the functionality is reviewed to make sure it is easy to navigate, it is organized, and is fast loading. Finally, the website design is confirmed by the client.

Perform Integration and Test

Before the website is launched, CFLMS will make sure the website undergoes integration and rigorous testing. Integration is simply bringing together all the pieces to make the one piece, which is the website. Next comes the testing of your website. This is for the purpose of making sure everything is working smoothly. For instance, are forms easy to fill out or do the call-to-action buttons work?

Final Customer Feedback and Approval

After the testing is completed, our creative team will give a final demonstration to the customer and confirm with the client that the website will meet the needs of the customer. Before final approval, any changes, alterations and concerns are addressed.

Website Launch

Once the website has been approved and it’s clear that it is working as it should, the website is ready to launch. Our team will determine the environment needed for the website based upon the functionality of the website. Knowing that the launch location meets the needs is crucial before the site is deployed. CFLMS will make sure everything is good to go when the time arrives.

Website Maintenance

Last on the list, but certainly not least, CFLMS offers complete website maintenance services. Our team can make improvements to your website such as enhancing the speed, giving regular website check-ups, making security updates, and fixing any bugs that may occur. We can work side-by-side with you to design your site, then offer continued maintenance and support long after your website is complete.

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