What The Client Wanted: A new website that is clean and professional. Nothing extravagant, just nice and simple.

Solution: A super clean design that amplifies the graphics and text on the page. The site was built with no distraction for your eyes except the content.

Technology: PHP, HTML, JS, CSS

Project Specifics: The client was looking for a website that simple as it was clean. They wanted us to highlight the services and provide a way for them to get ahold of the company. We did this by creating a distraction-less design that allowed the user to focus on just the content of the page. Even the menu bar was meant to be clean, seamless, and blend into the page.

Who The Client Is: The foundation for Ultimate Image was laid in 1992 by Fred Heldreth. When the airline industry took a downturn that year, Fred determined it was time for a new direction in life. This new direction took him down the path of lawn care.

He knew the demand for lawn care services was growing as more people continued to move to central Florida. After all, anyone who lives in Florida knows how hard it can be mowing a lawn under in the hot Florida sun. With his mind set and his determination brewing, Fred loaded his lawn equipment in the trunk of his car and set out to build clientele.

It wasn't long before he was able to buy his first truck and more equipment. Before long he had enough business to start bringing in help, including his son Ryan who, at the age of 16, was working right along side his father learning the trade. They continued to grow the business and took a large step in 2007.

In 2007, Fred made a decision to take the company commercial. He moved completely away from residential services and re-branded the company. Thus Ultimate Image Land Care was born. Since then, the company has flourished under the father-son team, and now currently services large commercial entities such as:

  • Sentry Management
  • Leland
  • Vista Cam
  • Aegis
  • Towers Property Management


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