Clay County Bar Association

Clay County Bar Association

What The Client Wanted: Clean modern website that will allow them to keep members updated and engaged through available member opporunities and events.

Solution: Provide the bar association with an easy to manage platform that has the desired custom functionality for members of the association.

Technology: WordPress, Customized Plugins, PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript

Project Specifics: The client was looking for a mobile-responsive website that would allow their members to engage with the association regardless of what device they happened to be using at the time. They also needed custom calendar and events sections that allowed for payment for events and membership dues.

Who The Client Is: The Clay County Bar Association, Inc. is an active voluntary Bar Association. They were formally organized in 1973.

We host monthly networking luncheons and other events during the year, with the highlight being our Law Day Luncheon held in May of each year. We are active in the community and have a history of awarding scholarships to local high school students each year. Our motto is promoting collegiality, furthering competency, and inspiring professional pride.


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